Tuesday, December 11, 2012

Boidus Dominantus

Boidus Dominantus
Fall '12

These Boids eat each other!

No kidding.  I assigned specific traits to the various hues, and allowed for competition by making larger boids EAT smaller boids of different hues. Once a boid has eaten, it has the ability to give birth, at a sacrifice to its own size. 

The traits are as follows.
red- grows when it eats smaller boids
green - grows every time step
blue - grows according to how many friends it has

They fall on a spectrum of strength, i.e. all boids in the spectrum yellow-red-magenta have some gain from eating smaller boids, proportioinal to how close they are to pure red. The same goes for magenta-blue-teal and teal-green-yellow.

That means that secondary colors have the following traits

magenta - like an army, strength in numbers and from eating
teal - versatile hippy, works well alone and in groups, doesn't grow from eating
yellow - may group together, but it is a lone wolf at heart; grows all the time and by eating

have fun watching the flocks grow and compete!

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