Sunday, October 21, 2012

Cellular Automata

ElemenTerra - Summer 2012

Inspired by Conway's Game of Life I set out to learn Java programming by creating my own cellular automata.

For the design I set out to abstract states of matter from physics: Solid, Liquid, Gas.   These states of matter having appropriate densities and speeds.

I also set out for having different "elements" locked in a rock-paper scissors relationship, thereby creating a dynamic - balanced system.

The three different elements are Fire, Plant, and Water, with shade representing the state of matter.  In the first pass, dominance meant that they pushed the weaker element out of the way on their way to clumping together.  The results were tightly packed islands of virtual "matter".

 Master Branch

In order to make things more dynamic, I added in "dissipation" and "condensation" by weaker and stronger elements.  That means Stronger elements assimilate Weaker elements.  This made a much more volatile system, with areas of 3 way battle raging on and simple 1v1 clump takeovers.

elemenTerror Branch

My final exploration in this project was to add a fourth element.  This changed the relationship from Rock - Paper - Scissors, to a situation in which each element was neutral to a complementary element, in addition to having stronger and weaker relationships.  The unexpected, emergent result of this system was that neutral elements tend to form symbiotic relationships with each other. When any stronger element invades a clump, the complementary color defends. Through a process of natural selection, complementary clumps win out over lone-wolves.

fourElements Branch

Wednesday, October 17, 2012

Flash Snake Project

Renewal - In Progress

This is a prototype for my new project, Renewal

I messed around with trying to make flash ik bones from just code, but got absolutely nowhere.  Instead, I got out the whiteboard and made my own bone class that is much more lightweight.

Tuesday, October 9, 2012

Internality - Spring 2012

3D environment created with Maya and Virtools

This is old, having been made last spring, but it's still pretty darn sweet.

use 32 bit firefox to view the 3D environment I created for my art class

Friday, October 5, 2012


Concept characters for a game I'm currently working on

Some thoughts on thought

Monday, October 1, 2012

fractal dragons

First Post!

I made a recent pet project in Java that is downloadable here.

This program renders a fractal known as the dragon curve.  It was a lot of fun to mess with the parameters and methods that effect the outcome.  Here are a few renders.

click to enlarge

This one was originally 10,800 x 14,400 pixels
these I call blueberry, strawberry, and sunset, respectively